Jan. 27, 2022

Episode #58: 10 Promises for Waiting on the Lord

Episode #58: 10 Promises for Waiting on the Lord

In this episode, I discuss 10 Promises we can cling to for waiting on God. Waiting is among the most difficult things we do in life. When we understand some promises God makes to us in the waiting, we can find some reassurance and comfort. The following are 10 promises (with Scripture). Can you find more? Let me know!

  1. Will see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 27:13-14, Lamentations 3:25)
  2. Renewed strength (Isaiah 40:31)
  3. Grace, mercy, and blessing (Isaiah 30:18)
  4. The fruit of the coming of the Lord (James 5:7-8)
  5. A glad heart in God (Psalm 33:21)
  6. Exalted to inheritance (Pslam 37:9, 34)
  7. Action from God (Isaiah 64:4)
  8. Receiving the promise (Habakkuk 2:2-3, Acts 1:4)
  9. God Himself (Psalm 62:1, Psalm 25:5)
  10. Deliverance (Proverb 20:22)

Please send me your feedback, questions, and thoughts to the email thebiblestudypodcasts@gmail.com

Follow the Website: The Bible Study Podcasts (podpage.com)

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Stay on the lookout for my book "Spiritual Identity" coming soon and an end-times book releasing after.

Currently available books on Amazon and Kindle Versions:

Hosting His Presence: Pate, Danny, Graves, Kellie:

9798590981625: Amazon.com: Books

Biblical Context for Fasting: Pate, Danny: 9798711316688:

Amazon.com: Books

Music By: Logan Cole

May God Bless your heart and mind

Thank you for your continued listening and support, and I pray God continues to multiply this podcast's reach.

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